
High-level, Pre-screened candidates

At Alliant HR, we are your human capital ally. We understand how important it is to find the perfect candidate for your open manufacturing leadership, engineering, accounting and finance, and HR executive roles. We are motivated by the challenge of finding job candidates with specialized skills and educational backgrounds. We use multiple recruiting channels and tactics, along with our almost 10 years of recruiting experience, to bring you top-level candidates that meet your job specifications.

Before searching for any potential job candidates for your company, we take the time to truly understand your company culture and how this position affects your bottom line. This initial meeting usually takes about 30 minutes and provides valuable knowledge that we then use to guide our candidate search process.

Once we find potential candidates, we pre-screen them through a detailed interview process and reference checks to verify that their skills match your open position. Then we compile a comprehensive candidate summary for you to review before deciding to interview.

When you’ve selected a candidate that meets your company’s requirements and you’re ready to make an offer, we’ll assist you and the candidate in the negotiation process. Candidates would then be hired directly to your payroll.

We specialize our recruiting efforts in the following roles:

Manufacturing Leadership


Accounting and Finance

Human Resources